
The strange case of Lib-Lab-Con fused double standards

By November 17, 2023December 7th, 2023No Comments

There is a well-founded perception that there are double standards employed when it comes to the policing of free speech and expression.

While I strongly disagreed with allowing the pro-Palestinian march on Armistice Day, as a calculated insult to our glorious dead, may they rest in peace and the police seemed much tougher against the counter protestors, at the same time I also disagree that condemnation of Israel is tantamount to incitement of racial hatred. Not that I believe the latter ought to be unlawful, I don’t.

If the emotion, hatred, is not unlawful (how could it be?) then why should incitement of the emotion be unlawful?

However, incitement of violence, such as Islamist calls for ‘jihad’ are another matter entirely. Are we to believe the wokeified Met police farce that these were calls to a “contemplative inner struggle”, rather than for violent acts of terror against the ‘infidel’ West?