
Silence from national media as Muslims’ trial proceeds

By February 2, 2013February 18th, 2021No Comments

Bullfinch Trial Day 7: Victim ‘disgusted’ by her ordeal

Oxford Mail, 26 January 2013

By Ben Wilkinson, Crime Reporter. Call me on (01865) 425427.

A YOUNG woman cried in the witness stand as she told a jury how she was raped and sold for sex by a gang from the age of 12.

Choosing not to give evidence from behind a curtain the witness, now in her 20s, told the Old Bailey she was treated like a “piece of meat”.

She was testifying at the trial of nine men facing 79 charges including trafficking and selling girls as young as 11 for sex in Oxford.

The defendants deny the charges.

The woman, known as Girl 1 as she cannot be named, reported the abusers to police in 2006. And yesterday the jury saw a video of an interview she gave at the time.

The then 15-year-old said Akhtar Dogar had sex with her and forced her to perform sex acts on him and a friend on a South Park bench.
She told the police: “I am just sick of him and letting all his mates constantly take advantage of me and treating me like a piece of meat they can tread all over.
“I have heard they have been doing it to other girls too. I have seen other girls in their school uniforms. They don’t care how old you are.

”Girl 1 also told police she had tried to take a taxi back to her children’s home but when the manager refused to pay the fare she was driven back to Oxford, where she was abused. She said in the interview: “It’s the children’s home’s fault that I accidentally went back to Oxford.”

She told the officer she would often “give up” and do whatever the men were asking as she knew she couldn’t get away.

She said: “I said to myself stop being a baby and just do it.”

She also said the Asian men would speak in a different language and laugh at her.

When the officer asked her how she felt having sex with Akhtar, she said: “I just hated myself. I felt proper dirty and disgusted myself.”

The witness claims she was raped and sold for sex by Jamil and the Dogar brothers from the age of 12.

She said when she first met the men they used to “chill out” and drink and smoke cannabis.

She said: “They would be nice to me and show me attention. It made me feel like I was someone important. It felt, maybe, grown up.”

She said they also bought her gifts including perfume and trinkets.

But soon the men were making her have sex with them and others.

Prosecutor Noel Lucas asked her what she was like as a young teenager.

She said: “I wanted to be more grown up than I was. I was looking to fill a void.”

Mr Lucas said: “Why do you think these three men were interested in you?”

She replied: “I think it was because I was vulnerable.

“Because these were grown men and I was a child they would say things like ‘I will come and get you or burn your house down’.”

She described a time when a man, who cannot be named, arrived at St Thomas Mews Flat with cocaine and “bubbly” before having sex with her.

She said: “He was pretty suave. He looked like a businessman, somebody who has a lot of money. He was smart, well dressed. He looked like somebody who either had a good job or had money.”

The trial continues.

The men in the dock are:

  • Kamar Jamil, 27, of Aldrich Road, Summertown, Oxford, denies four rapes, three charges of conspiracy to rape, two of arranging or facilitating child prostitution, and one of trafficking for sexual exploitation.
  •  Akhtar Dogar, 32, of Tawney Street, East Oxford, denies six rapes, three charges of conspiracy to rape, three of arranging or facilitating child prostitution, and trafficking for sexual exploitation.
  • Assad Hussain, 32, of Ashhurst Way, Rose Hill, Oxford, denies two charges of conspiracy to rape and three of sexual activity with a child.
  • Anjum Dogar, 30, of Tawney Street, East Oxford, denies four rapes, three charges of conspiracy to rape, three of arranging or facilitating child prostitution, and trafficking for sexual exploitation.
  • Mohammed Karrar, 38, of Kames Close, Cowley, denies seven rapes, four charges of conspiracy to rape, an alternative charge of conspiracy to commit sexual activity with a child, two of trafficking for sexual exploitation, two of arranging or facilitating child prostitution, assault, conspiracy to assault, using an instrument to procure a miscarriage, and supplying a Class A drug to another.
  • Bassam Karrar, 33, Hundred Acres Close, Cowley, denies three rapes, three charges of conspiracy to rape, two charges of arranging or facilitating child prostitution, trafficking for sexual exploitation, and conspiracy to assault.
  • Mohammed Hussain, 24, of Horspath Road, Cowley, Oxford, denies rape, conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with a child, and two charges of sexual activity with a child.
  • Zeeshan Ahmed, 27, of Palmer Road, Wood Farm, Oxford, denies two charges of conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with a child and two charges of sexual activity with a child.
  • Bilal Ahmed, 26, of Suffolk Road, Maidenhead, denies conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with a child and sexual activity with a child.