
Rest In Peace

By March 16, 2024No Comments


Dear Marriage supporter

Colin Hart, C4M’s Chairman, died suddenly at his home on Wednesday afternoon of a suspected heart attack.

In 2012, Colin was pivotal in establishing C4M to oppose the redefinition of marriage, and he continued to have a strong influence on the organisation until his final days. He understood that real marriage is worth defending because it lies at the very heart of our culture. He was my boss and my friend. His presence will be missed by us all.

The other C4M Directors and I are determined to build on Colin’s legacy in championing man/woman marriage as the stabilising bedrock of society.

The work he began is more important than ever. In honour of Colin’s memory, we will continue with renewed vigour as he would have wanted.

Yours Faithfully

Dr Tony Rucinski
Director of Supporter Strategy
Coalition for Marriage (C4M)