
Lib-Lab-Con judges grant jihadist citizenship despite terror threat posed by decision

By December 31, 2023No Comments

ISIS fanatic who snuck into Britain illegally is given UK citizenship despite security service terror threat warning

  • Sudanese ISIS fanatic can remain in the UK on human rights grounds judges rule
  • MI5 said he is an ISIS propagandist who spread material calling for jihad

An ISIS fanatic who MI5 warns poses a terror threat to Britain has been granted the right to live in the UK after sneaking into the country illegally, the MoS can reveal.

Judges have ruled that the Sudanese man can remain here on human rights grounds, despite evidence from the Security Services that he may be a danger and might encourage other extremists to launch attacks in the UK.

The judges’ ruling was based on the risk that if he was sent back to Sudan, he might be detained and tortured.

The decision was made despite the court hearing that the man – who, by law, we are only allowed to know as ‘S3’ – first entered Britain illegally 18 years ago and was granted asylum, before travelling regularly between this country and Sudan without any issues.

MI5 warned judges that the man is an ISIS propagandist who spread vile material calling for jihad against the West.

EXECUTIONER: Mohammed Emwazi, known as 'Jihadi John'

EXECUTIONER: Mohammed Emwazi, known as ‘Jihadi John’

Last night, MPs and terrorism experts said the case was a farcical example of how people can ‘game the system’ even when Security Services warn that illegal immigrants threaten national security.

Court documents obtained by the MoS reveal MI5 warned that the man ‘had demonstrated a commitment to the extremist ideology of ISIS’.

The documents state: ‘There was a realistic possibility that [he] would seek to radicalise other individuals and encourage them to engage in Islamist extremist activities.’

Last night, former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith said: ‘This is ridiculous. Judges ought to understand when the Security Services make it clear that someone poses a danger to the British public, he has forfeited his human rights with regards to staying in the UK.’

And Professor Anthony Glees, a terrorism expert at Buckingham University, called the decision ‘unacceptable’.

Three judges at a court called the Special Immigration Appeals Commission made the ruling against the Home Office, which has been trying to deport S3 since 2018.

The suspected jihadi can now live freely in the country without neighbours, work colleagues and the public knowing that he is potentially a dangerous terrorist who wants to launch deadly attacks in Britain.