
Lib-Lab-Con all want the same thing: more and ever more immigration

By September 15, 2023No Comments

Which part of Take Back Control doesn’t Keir Starmer understand? His latest crackpot idea to stop the small boats crossing the Channel is to let the EU decide how many migrants Britain must accept every year.

Of course, he doesn’t put it quite like that. He speaks of mutually agreeing a quota system to share the burden with our European ‘partners’.

In exchange for Britain taking in around 120,000 of the one million migrants who arrive in Europe every year, the Labour leader believes that Brussels will graciously allow us to send back those who have no legitimate right to move here.

Who’s he trying to kid? The chances of the French government, for instance, taking back anyone who makes it via France to Britain from North Africa, Afghanistan or the Middle East are less than zero.

We know to our cost where ‘co-operation’ with the French leads. It’s a one-way street. Despite bunging France the thick end of £750 million to stop the people-smuggling dinghies taking to sea, still they launch several times a day, while the gendarmes simply shrug and smoke their Gauloises.

Meanwhile the French Navy escorts the boats to the middle of the Channel, where they are handed over to Britain’s Border Force for safe passage. As Sue Reid reported in yesterday’s Mail, the transfer is smooth as silk.

Boarding complete. P.O.B. See you next time, mon ami. Doors to manual.

(Border Force now brings more people across the Channel than P&O Ferries. Perhaps it should start knocking out Duty Free to offset some of the running costs.)

Anyway, we had a returns agreement in place when we were still in the EU, which involved Britain taking in three times as many migrants as we were theoretically permitted to deport.

How did that work out, then? In 2019, just 21 people were returned to France – and they were probably on the first boat back the following day.

More to the point, why would the EU do a deal with the UK when they can’t even agree among themselves? As record numbers float across the Med from Africa to the Italian island of Lampedusa, Germany is refusing to admit any more migrants from Italy.

If Balham is the Gateway To The South, then Lampedusa is the Gateway To The North, which is where most of the recent arrivals are headed.

In response the French – who claim it’s impossible, monsieur, to prevent migrants casting off from the beaches of Calais bound for Britain – have doubled patrols on the Italian border to block them from entering France.

The French Navy escorts the boats to the middle of the Channel, where they are handed over to Britain’s Border Force for safe passage (Pictured: stock photo of French Navy vessel)

The French Navy escorts the boats to the middle of the Channel, where they are handed over to Britain’s Border Force for safe passage (Pictured: stock photo of French Navy vessel)

Poland, Hungary and the rest of the Eastern bloc have already pulled up the drawbridge.

The only reason the EU would pay lip-service to a deal with Starmer is so they can shift a hefty chunk of the migrants landing in Lampedusa and elsewhere in Southern Europe on to Britain, pronto.

The rest of Starmer’s masterplan involves scrapping the Rwanda deportation plan and overturning the government’s decision to prevent migrants who arrive illegally from applying for asylum in Britain.

He says the £140 million we’ve sent to Rwanda should be given to the National Crime Agency – Britain’s FBI – to ‘smash’ the people-smuggling gangs.

But only this week the NCA admitted that without a deterrent such as Rwanda, all attempts to stop the small boats were doomed to failure. Perhaps Starmer was gelling his hair that day.

Despite bunging France the thick end of £750 million to stop the people-smuggling dinghies taking to sea, still they launch several times a day

Despite bunging France the thick end of £750 million to stop the people-smuggling dinghies taking to sea, still they launch several times a day

He seems to think that once migrants are offered ‘safe and legal routes’ to Britain – the Left’s tiresome mantra – they won’t need to make the hazardous Channel crossing.

Nope, they’ll just hop on the Eurostar and apply for asylum on arrival, which under Labour will be granted automatically, no questions asked.

Meanwhile, the boats will keep on coming. The people smugglers aren’t going to give up on such a lucrative trade in human exploitation.

Starmer’s solution is to treat the gangs as terrorists and cement closer co-operation between the NCA and European intelligence services to hunt them down and put them out of business.

What does he think they’ve been doing for the past few years. Hasn’t he ever heard of Interpol, of which Britain is still a member? Hundreds of people smugglers have been arrested in Europe, but it hasn’t even scratched the surface.

Starmer likes to remind everyone that he used to be the Director of Public Prosecutions and pose as a ruthless crime fighter. But we’re not talking J Edgar Hoover here.

The truth is that he’s just another Left-wing yuman rites lawyer from the top of his ridiculous quiff to the tip of his loafers. The idea that somehow a Labour government led by him would be best equipped to tackle illegal immigration is risible.

Every single deterrent put forward by this government has been fiercely opposed by Starmer and his compadres in the yuman rites brigade. He voted against legislation aimed at stopping the boats and supported the decision of a faceless, unelected, unaccountable foreign judge to halt the Rwanda flights.

Starmer would never contemplate withdrawing from the European Convention on Human Rights, which is the only realistic way we’re ever going to get a grip on this crisis.

That’s not to say that the Conservatives haven’t been equally useless and craven in the face of concerted opposition to cutting the numbers.

Starmer regularly takes advice from Tony Blair (pictured: left) and Peter Mandelson, two of the architects of open borders and mass immigration

Starmer regularly takes advice from Tony Blair (pictured: left) and Peter Mandelson, two of the architects of open borders and mass immigration

But Starmer’s laughable ‘Tough On Migrants, Tough On The Causes Of Migrants’ posturing could have come straight from the New Labour songbook.

In fact, it did. Starmer regularly takes advice from Tony Blair and Peter Mandelson, two of the architects of open borders and mass immigration.

Mandelson once boasted about ‘sending out search parties’ for migrants — to ‘rub the Right’s noses in diversity’ according to a top Labour aide. Blair promised that no more than 13,000 people would come here from Eastern Europe when he threw open the doors in 2004. Several millions later….

Since the New Labour landslide in 1997, Britain’s population has increased by an unsustainable nine million. Admittedly, the Tories have cynically gone along with it as a source of cheap labour. But it was Labour which deliberately set about tearing up our borders.

Immigration was one of the deciding factors in Britain voting Leave in 2016. We were promised that we would be taking back control. That it hasn’t happened is a disgrace, for which successive Conservative governments must take responsibility.

Peter Mandelson once boasted about ‘sending out search parties’ for migrants — to ‘rub the Right’s noses in diversity’

Peter Mandelson once boasted about ‘sending out search parties’ for migrants — to ‘rub the Right’s noses in diversity’

But it isn’t all about illegal crossings in small boats. It’s the sheer weight of numbers, putting untold strain on everything from housing to public services.

The tens of thousands arriving across the Channel may hog the headlines but they pale into insignificance alongside those arriving legally. Those much-vaunted ‘safe and legal routes’ beloved by the yuman rights lobby already exist.

Last year, more than a million people from overseas were granted visas to live and work in Britain. The net immigration figure was just over 600,000, but only by taking into account foreign nationals who left and thousands upon thousands of British citizens who decided they’d had enough and it was time to get out of Dodge.

And it’s not over yet. If and when Starmer becomes PM, the floodgates will open still wider. His solution to cutting illegal immigration is to increase immigration overall.

He may claim now that he has no intention of rejoining the European Union and reinstating freedom of movement. But I for one don’t believe a word of it.

As I wrote here a couple of days ago, a Starmer government would take us back into the EU in all but name. Don’t forget he was a die-hard Remainer and led the cynical, anti-democratic campaign for a second referendum.

Why else would he even entertain the notion that the way to solve the small boats crisis is to allow the EU, not Westminster or the British people, decide how many migrants we must accept?

If he gets away with that, it’s only a matter of time before we’re back to being a fully paid-up supplicant of Brussels, whatever it says on the tin. And this time, he’d have no need of a referendum.

Starmer doesn’t believe in taking back control. He wants to Give Back Control… to the EU.