
Government Grants For Migrants Only

By December 4, 2023No Comments

Right is wrong, so goes my song,

Crime does pay, I hear some say,

Wrongdoing rewarded all day long,

Doubt it and I’ll show the way.


Pay organized crime some thousands

For illegal Channel crossing.

It will pay you dividends,

You’ll jump the queue for housing.


Protest the scandal, show that you’re against it,

The powers that be will set them free

But you’ll be called a ‘racist’

And told you’re lacking ‘charity’.


A plush hotel room with all found,

Was only the beginning,

Free this, free that, it gets around,

And paid job undemanding.


It surely must be quite insane,

To hope to stop the boats by rewarding,

Illegal migrants for greed of gain,

Who safe countries spurned before arriving.


