
A New Political Party?

By December 13, 2012February 18th, 2021No Comments

Too often our Nationalist movement is merely reactive to the Globalist multi-culti swing of things. We need to look more deeply into our history and traditions.

The British Nation is part of Christendom.

The Coronation Service is a basic part of the British Constitution. In the Coronation Service the monarch is crowned as vice-regent to Jesus Christ, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity. Anyone who does not believe in the universal kingship of Jesus Christ is not in tune with the British Constitution!

All right, this is a gross oversimplification. The loss of faith is pretty general these days and those who have lost the faith still have a duty to consider how their country ought to be governed. Also, there is a complication in that, for the last 300 years or more, the sovereign swears to uphold the Protestant religion as by law established. I can only say that, as a Catholic, I would rather live in a strongly confessional Protestant state that took the moral law seriously and suffer civic disabilities as a dissenter or ‘recusant’ than in present circumstances where “the prince of this world” (the title given to the Devil in the Gospels) is so evidently in control.

Catholic theologians (and doubtless Protestant theologians also) have an incorrigible habit of telling non-believers what to think; and thus it is asserted that traditional morality can be deduced by reason alone without the aid of revealed religion. On this basis we should all know in our inmost conscience that abortion is wrong, that contraception is wrong, that euthanasia is wrong, that marriage is for life, that homosexual acts are sinful. The setting-aside of these principles in recent generations is part and parcel of the Communist/Globalist drive to destroy the family and the nation.

Man is a social animal and the family, the guild, the local community and the nation state are the building blocks of our human society. The principle of subsidiarity is most important. The state is sovereign (within an agreed framework of international law) but the state ought not to interfere in the proper responsibilities of the smaller social units. Thus the government is acting ultra vires when it overturns the properly considered planning decisions of local authorities. The state has a prime duty to support marriage and the family and has failed most dismally in that regard. (The Conservatives are as bad as Labour here). It is altogether horrifying how social workers have been given carte blanche and the backing of the police and the courts in seizing children from loving families for no good reason.

Political parties are in principle a bad thing because they distort the process of representative government. The primary duty of MPs should be to represent their constituency, not to forward their party’s cause. Before 1969 a candidate’s party affiliation was not allowed to be put on the ballot paper; now with proportional representation in some elections and taxpayer funding of political parties, they are becoming more and more embedded in the structure of the state. Nationalists have no choice but to form recognised parties if we are to be allowed onto the political playing field, but let us not forget to fight against the apotheosis of the professional politician! Modern democracy encourages the delusion that the people are sovereign; the laws of God or the laws of nature are sovereign: the more that people believe they are sovereign, the more they become puppets in the hands of the party leaders.

A healthy nation state should be in agreement about the basic things, still leaving plenty of scope for debate between politicians about regulating agriculture and industry and transport, etc. We do not need rival political groups propounding radically different theories about how society should be organised. In our very sick nation state today, our Westminster politicians are in basic agreement – to wit that we are all part of the multi-culti project – and all the hoo-ha of political debate and name-calling that is made so much of, is no more than the re-arranging of the furniture on the decks of the sinking Titanic.

Britain is ineluctably part of Christendom, and whether or not we have the faith personally, we should respect our heritage. There is huge alarm and dismay about the encroachments of Islam (and of course we should not have allowed all those Muslims into our country in the first place). But we ought to have done far more to make them respect our Christian traditions. If we had simply refused on principle to permit the conversion of disused Christian churches into mosques, the incomers would at least have realised that their host nation did believe in something!

Dennis Whiting
Nominating Officer