
By February 15, 2021February 18th, 2021No Comments

DELIGHT has greeted the news that an inspector has dismissed a Westbourne planning appeal.

Last week, it was announced the appeal by Southcott Homes Ltd to build 22 homes on land at Long Copse Lane had been thrown out by planning inspector Janice Trask.

Villager Jesse Grant, along with almost the whole village, has fought against the proposal which was originally rejected by Chichester District Council earlier this year.

“I would like to say we’re delighted obviously,” he said this week.

“Just because houses are needed – which I’m sure they are – it doesn’t give builders a right to build anything anywhere.

“We’re delighted with the overturning of the appeal.”

Residents took extra steps this year to flag up their opposition to the scheme.

At one point, scaffolding was erected on the field to show its impact on the village and before the appeal started a number of large signs appeared around Westbourne signposting people’s opposition with varying slogans.

“We’re very unorthodox but I think it worked,” said Mr Grant.

“I would like to thank all the local people for their help. The camaraderie that we have in the village has brought the whole village together.”

Most of the village had donated ‘fighting funds’ to the campaign, the remainder of which Mr Grant was in the process of returning to residents this week.

“I just think it was the wrong place to build.

There are places to build – brownfield sites.

“There’s so much more that could be done without ruining our countryside.

“It’s now there for us and our future generations.”

Mr Grant said he was speaking on behalf of all Westbourne residents who fought against the plan.

He described planning inspector Janice Trask as ‘extremely strict and very fair’.

Ms Trask said in her report she dismissed the appeal because the homes would result in ‘considerable harm’ to the character and appearance of the village and its setting and conflicted with the development plan.

She said she took the shortfall in Chichester District Council’s housing land supply into account, adding the harm caused would significantly outweigh the economic and social benefits of the scheme.

One of the reasons the district council refused the application was because the west part of the development would have gone beyond the existing built-up area into the surrounding rural area, which would be ‘harmful’ to the character of the area.